Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Standard Of Internal Audit : Basic Principles



1. The purpose of this Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) is to establish
standards and provide guidance on the general principles governing
internal audit.

2. Paragraph 3.1 of the Preface to the Standards on Internal Audit, issued by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India defines internal audit as
follows:“Internal audit is an independent management function, which involves a
continuous and critical appraisal of the functioning of an entity with a view
to suggest improvements thereto and add value to and strengthen the
overall governance mechanism of the entity, including the entity’s risk
management and internal control system.”

3. The other Standards on Internal Audit to be issued by the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India will elaborate the principles set out herein
to give guidance on internal auditing procedures and reporting practices.
Compliance with the basic principles requires the application of internal
auditing procedures and reporting practices appropriate to the particular

Integrity, Objectivity and Independence:

4. The internal auditor should be straightforward, honest and sincere in
his approach to his professional work. He must be fair and must not
allow prejudice or bias to override his objectivity. He should maintain an
impartial attitude. He should not only be independent in fact but
also appear to be independent. The internal auditor should not,
therefore, to the extent possible, undertake activities, which are or
might appear to be incompatible with his independence and
objectivity. For example, to avoid any conflict of interest, the internal
auditor should not review an activity for which he was previously
responsible. It is also expected from the management to take steps
necessary for providing an environment conducive to enable the internal
auditor to discharge his responsibilities independently and also report his
findings without any management interference. For example, in case of a
listed company, the internal auditor may be required to report directly to
those charged with governance, such as the Audit Committee instead of
the Chief Executive Officer or the Chief Financial Officer. The internal
auditor should immediately bring any actual or apparent conflict of
interest to the attention of the appropriate level of management so
that necessary corrective action may be taken.


5. The internal auditor should maintain the confidentiality of the
information acquired in the course of his work and should not
disclose any such information to a third party, including the
employees of the entity, without the specific authority of the
management/ client or unless there is a legal or a professional
responsibility to do so. The internal auditor, therefore, needs to ensure
that there are well laid out policies and controls to protect confidentiality of
the information.

Due Professional Care, Skills and Competence:

6. The internal auditor should exercise due professional care,
competence and diligence expected of him while carrying out the
internal audit. Due professional care signifies that the internal auditor
exercises reasonable care in carrying out the work entrusted to him in
terms of deciding on aspects such as the extent of work required to
achieve the objectives of the engagement, relative complexity and
materiality of the matters subjected to internal audit, assessment of risk
management, control and governance processes and cost benefit
analysis. Due professional care, however, neither implies nor guarantees
infallibility, nor does it require the internal auditor to travel beyond the
scope of his engagement.

7. The internal auditor should either have or obtain such skills and
competence, acquired through general education, technical
knowledge obtained through study and formal courses, as are
necessary for the purpose of discharging his responsibilities.

8. The internal auditor also has a continuing responsibility to maintain
professional knowledge and skills at a level required to ensure that the
client or the employer receives the advantage of competent professional
service based on the latest developments in the profession, the economy,
the relevant industry and legislation.

Work Performed by Others

9. The internal auditor would often need to delegate work to assistants. The
internal auditor should carefully direct, supervise and review the
work delegated to assistants. Similarly, the internal auditor may also
need to use the work performed by other auditors or experts. Though the
internal auditor will be entitled to rely on the work performed by other
auditors and experts, he should exercise adequate skill and care in
ascertaining their competence and skills and also in evaluating, analysing
and using the results of the work performed by the experts. He must also
look into the assumptions, if any, made by such other experts and obtain
reasonable assurance that the work performed by other auditors and
experts is adequate for his purposes. He should be satisfied that he
has no reasons to believe that he should not have relied on the work
of the expert. The reliance placed on the work done by the assistants
and/ or other auditors and experts notwithstanding, the internal auditor will
continue to be responsible for forming his opinion on the areas/ processes
being subject to internal audit or his findings.


10. The internal auditor should document matters, which are important
in providing evidence that the audit was carried out in accordance
with the Standards on Internal Audit and support his findings or the
report submitted by him. In addition, the working papers also help in
planning and performing the internal audit, review and supervise the work
and most importantly, provide evidence of the work performed to support
his findings or the report(s).
11. The internal auditor should plan his work to enable him to conduct
an effective internal audit in a timely and efficient manner, ensuring
that appropriate attention is devoted to significant areas of audit,
identification of potential problems and appropriate utilisation of
skills and time of the staff.

12. The internal audit plan should be based on the knowledge of the
business of the entity. The internal audit plan would normally cover
aspects such as:
(i) obtaining the knowledge of the legal and regulatory framework
within which the entity operates;
(ii) obtaining the knowledge of the entity’s accounting and internal
control systems and policies;
(iii) determining the effectiveness of the internal control procedures
adopted by the entity;
(iv) identifying the activities warranting special focus based on the
materiality and criticality of such activities, and its overall effect on
presentation of the financial statements of the entity;
(v) identifying and allocating staff to each of the above activities;
(vi) determining the nature, timing and extent of procedures to be
(vii) setting the time budget for each of the above activities;
(viii) identifying the reporting responsibilities; and
(ix) benchmark against which the actual results of the activities, the
actual time spent, the cost incurred would be measured.

13. A plan once prepared should be continuously reviewed by the
internal auditor to identify any modifications to the plan required to
bring the same in line with the changes, if any, to the audit universe.
Audit universe comprises the activities, operations, units, etc., to be
subjected to audit during the planning period.


14. The internal auditor should, based on his professional judgment,
obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to enable him to draw
reasonable conclusions therefrom on which to base his opinion or
findings. Factors affecting the professional judgment include the activity
under audit, possible errors and their materiality and the risk of
occurrence of such errors.

Internal Control and Risk Management Systems:

15. While the management is responsible for establishment and maintenance
of appropriate internal control and risk management systems, the role of
the internal auditor is to suggest improvements to those systems. For
this purpose, the internal auditor should:
(i) Obtain an understanding of the risk management and internal
control framework established and implemented by the
(ii) Perform steps for assessing the adequacy of the framework
developed in relation to the organisational set up and
(iii) Review the adequacy of the framework.
(iv) Perform risk-based audits on the basis of risk assessment
Internal auditor may, however, also undertake work involving identification
of risks as well as recommend design of controls or gaps in existing
controls to address those risks.


16. The internal auditor should carefully review and assess the
conclusions drawn from the audit evidence obtained, as the basis
for his findings contained in his report and suggest remedial action.
However, in case the internal auditor comes across any actual or
suspected fraud or any other misappropriation of assets, it would be more
appropriate for him to bring the same immediately to the attention of the

Effective Date
17. This Standard on Internal Audit is effective for all internal audits beginning
on or after…………………… Earlier application of the SIA is encouraged.

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